Award Recipients

Congratulations to the 2024 Winners!

Learn more about these awards here.

Tribute Award 1

Kate Juhl HeadshotKate Juhl
University of Maryland-College Park

Kate Juhl is a Senior Program Director at the University of Maryland-College Park, working with the University Career Center & the College of Arts & Humanities for the past 13 years. Previously, Kate worked for 5 years in the Career Services Center at Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, VA. Kate's specific passion is championing career development for liberal arts majors. 

Kate's involvement in EACE started in 2012 and has encompassed a variety of committees and leadership roles within the organization including Diversity & Inclusion Committee Co-chair, Site Chair and Programming Co-chair roles with annual conferences, Director of Finance on the EACE Board and, most recently, the Connections Committee. Kate served as Co-chair of the Road Trips Committee from 2017-2018, overseeing its successful merger with the Professional Exchange Committee to form the Connections Committee in 2018-2019, continued on as co-chair of Connections through 2020 and then again from 2021-2023. In 2023-2024, she remained an active member of the Connections Committee. Kate is so appreciative of the numerous leadership opportunities EACE has provided throughout the years, offering excellent ways to expand her skill set through collaboration with supportive and friendly colleagues and mentors throughout the EACE region/organization.

Tribute Award 2

Jennifer Rossi Long HeadshotJennifer Rossi Long
West Chester University

Jennifer Rossi Long is leading the continued efforts of fostering an equity-minded culture of career readiness at West Chester University as Director of the Twardowski Career Development Center.  She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from WCU, and a master’s degree in counseling in higher education from Widener University.

Outside of WCU, she consults for universities that are looking to modernize and strategically evolve their career services and economic impact.  Jennifer is a Past President of the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers, as well as a contributor to KYW’s “In Depth” podcast on the evolving workforce and the impacts of the pandemic on careers. 


Outstanding Member Award 1

Jennifer Friary HeadshotJennifer Friary
Iona University

 Jennifer Friary began her career journey in 2005, assisting students in discovering careers that resonate with their purpose. At St. John’s University, she specialized in employer relations and spearheaded career development programs for business students. Her transition to Iona University as Director for Career Development in 2022 marked a significant milestone, as she returned to her alma mater to lead the Gerri Ripp Center for Career Development.


Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Iona University, a Master of Science in Counseling from Pace University, and an Advanced Degree in Instructional Leadership from St. John’s University. Her expertise is complemented by practical certifications, including the Strong Interest Inventory and MBTI practitioner. She has also earned the NACE Career Coaching Intensive Certification.

 In addition to her institutional roles, Jennifer demonstrates leadership through active participation in EACE. Since 2014, she has served on various committees, including co-chairing the Grants and Scholarships Committee from 2022 to 2024, and contributing to the Leadership and Recognition Committee and the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee.

 Throughout her career, Jennifer Friary embodies the transformative influence of mentorship, collaboration, and continuous learning. Her steadfast dedication to empowering individuals to achieve their full potential serves as a guiding light for aspiring professionals.


Outstanding Member Award 2

Jodi Schneiderman HeadshotJodi Schneiderman
Georgetown University

Jodi is an experienced professional specializing in advising students interested in health, sciences, and technology sectors at Georgetown University. With two decades of experience in higher education, she has coached students and alumni with diverse career interests, organized both small and large-scale events, fostered employer relationships, and overseen programs, including Georgetown’s virtual micro-internship program. Before transitioning to higher education, Jodi served as a change management specialist and a therapist. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from St. Scholastica, a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology from the University of Minnesota Mankato, and an additional master’s degree in community counseling from the University of Northern Colorado.



Rising Star Award

Samara ReynoldsSamara Reynolds
Virginia Commonwealth University

Samara Reynolds, M.Ed., has been invested in the field of career and student development for nearly 20 years at a diverse set of institutions across Virginia, North Carolina, and Washington. As an Executive Director, she has overseen the VCU Career Services team at Virginia Commonwealth University since 2018 and has been an active committee member, mentor, presenter, writer, and leader within the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers (EACE), and Virginia Association of College & Employers (VACE) in recent years. In 2023, she was selected to receive the NACE Mentor of the Year Award. Samara also previously served as an associate editor for the National Career Development Association's (NCDA) Career Convergence web magazine and President of the North Carolina Career Development Association (NCCDA). She holds a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Virginia Tech and a Master's in Education in Higher Education Administration from NC State University. 


Excellence in Technology Award

Scott Rappaport Team PhotoScott Rappaport
St. Joseph's University

The Career Center at Saint Joseph’s University partnered with the student-run Makeover Monday Tableau Lab to create the First Destination Outcomes Undergraduate and Graduate Dashboards for the University.  This project has been a true collaboration between the Career Center, Academic Faculty, and students who built the dashboard from scratch.  The site has had a major impact on the university as it is used by prospective students, Enrollment Management and Admissions, Academic Departments, alumni, and current students as they seek out what graduates are doing after degree completion. 

The Makeover Monday Tableau Lab began in Fall 2019 and the Career Center developed a partnership in December 2020.  This ongoing partnership has blossomed to the point where current students keep the dashboard up to date and past students who have graduated have used the project to help them land prestigious jobs at Fortune 500 companies and non-profits. The students in the lab were able to create the dashboard and fully visualize how it could be used to accomplish all of the goals for the project to benefit the entire university. 

Additional Team Members:

Erin Obetz, Assistant Director of Employer Engagement
Danielle Fichter, Associate Director of Employer Engagement
Kailey Ryan, Career Counselor
Lisa Hansinger, Associate Director of Counseling & Career Education
Scott Rappaport, Associate Director, Operations & Assessment
Trish Shafer, Executive Director



Excellence in Program Development & Innovation Award

Trish Shafer
St. Joseph's University

Career Day was developed in partnership with faculty from key majors in the College of Arts & Sciences in order to bring career and professional development into the classroom.  To date, we've partnered with Chairs of the Communication Studies, Psychology, and English departments to dedicate a day of classes where a different alumnus from that major is hosted as a guest in the classroom at the start of each class time.  Hosted virtually, the Career Center staff or faculty member moderates an interview every hour with an individual alum on Zoom while all classes who meet during that class time tune into the conversation.  Alumni respond to questions about their career and industry, with students and faculty given time for Q&A at the end.  Interviews are recorded and then housed on the Career Center's YouTube channel for future viewing. Click here for an example from our 2022 English Career Day.  With approximately 750 students participating annually, Career Days have been used to support academic departments’ recruiting efforts and have resulted in collaborative relationships between faculty and the Career Center staff.

Additional Team Members: 

Erin Obetz, Assistant Director of Employer Engagement
Danielle Fichter, Associate Director of Employer Engagement
Kailey Ryan, Career Counselor
Lisa Hansinger, Associate Director of Counseling & Career Education
Scott Rappaport, Associate Director, Operations & Assessment
Trish Shafer, Executive Director




Outstanding Employer Partnership Award 

Alyssa Ayala HeadshotAlyssa Ayala
Enterprise Mobility

Enterprise is a very active organization on Hofstra’s campus.  Their dedication to providing career opportunities and career development to our students is unmatched. Enterprise's most recent activities for Hofstra students are shown below:

  • Last semester Enterprise sponsored our Careernival. They not only sponsored this event, but they were active participants, providing ideas for games during the planning and speaking with students throughout the entire event. They provided guidance on interview skills and internship search.
  • Enterprise is also an active participant in our Employers in the Classroom program. By visiting classes, they provide information about careers in management and guidance on how to attain them while also providing actual opportunities for our students.
  • This past spring, Enterprise sponsored and attended our Dinner & Networking with Hofstra's Alumnae Leaders, an event where student leaders were able to enjoy a sit-down dinner and learn from the experiences of successful Hofstra alumnae from a variety of backgrounds.
  • They invite our students to events such as “Women Breaking Barriers”. This event, and those like it, provide an opportunity for students to hear directly from professionals and to share their fears and concerns about entering the world of work. 


Past Year Award Recipients:

Innovation & Leadership Awards

These awards are designed to honor innovation and contributions to our field, as well as, recognize leadership and best practices in the industries of HR/recruiting and career services.

Distinguished Leadership Award

This award honors outstanding and lasting contributions of such magnitude and quality to both EACE and the advancement of the field at-large as to merit public recognition and acclaim.

  • 2017: Dr. Alicia Monroe, Rowan University
  • 2013: Marianne Tramelli, Columbia University
  • 2012: Helen Brown, Vector Marketing
  • 2011: Donna Cassell Ratcliffe, Virginia Tech
  • 2010: Tom Tarantelli, Rennselear Polytechnic Institute
  • 2003: 
    • Patricia J. Carretta, George Mason University
    •  Amy Feifer, Haverford/Bryn Mawr
    • Janet Jones, Rutgers University
    • Sam Ratcliffe, Virginia Military Institute 
  • 2001: 
    • Sam Hall, Howard University
    • Eric Schlesinger, The World Bank
  • 1998: Carol Dedrick, National Starch and Chemical

Innovation in Assessment

This award honors outstanding models and/or best practices in programs and/or operational assessment processes.

  • 2019: Joanne Ott, Assitant Director, Drexel University Steinbright Career Development Center
  • 2018: University of Connecticut Center for Career Development
  • 2015: Mansoor Khan and Michelle Kyriakides, St. John's University
  • 2014: Leslie Stevenson & Megan Wallace, University of Richmond

Innovation in Program Development

This award honors outstanding program development in recruiting or career services that can serve as a model program for others in the field to replicate.

  • 2023: Erica Ely, Kevin Kenneally, Olivia Rosenburg, Lizzy Solovey, University of Maryland College Park; Michael Dunn, Meghan Druzgala, Julianne Petrilla, St Mary's College of Maryland
  • 2022: Nancy Bilmes, University of Connecticut
  • 2021: Cheryl Finlay, University of Pittsburgh
  • 2020: Robbin Beauchamp, Wentworth Institute of Technology 
  • 2019:
    • University Career Center, Experiential Learning Unit, University of Maryland - College Park
    • Sabeen Sherikh, Darlene Johynson, and Liz Sposato, Hofstra University
  • 2017: Scott Dranka, Nicole Gauthier, Sherry Gomez, Michael Hill & Laurie Wrona, Springfield College
  • 2016: Courtney Hine, Nikki Sandoval, Francine Blume, Darren Cox, Rachel Shannon, Ann Martin, Rena Joseph, Rhoda Smackum, Cathy Francois, Brandi Malone, Kaitlin O'Connor, Harriett Hayes-Hubbard, University of Maryland University College
  • 2015:
    • Karin Asher, Allie Zalar, Alyson Kavalukas, & Alyssa Camerota, University of Pittsburgh

    • Bill McCarthy, Binghamton University

  • 2014: Jeanette Doyle, Springfield College

Innovation in Diversity & Inclusion

This award honors those who have made outstanding contributions and demonstrated innovation in the field of minority affairs and special populations.

  • 2023: Monique Sample, VCU Career Services
  • 2022: Lisa Famularo & Tara Malone, University of Connecticut & George Mason University Career Services
  • 2021: Lisa Famularo, University of Connecticut
  • 2020: Amanda Machonis, Phyllis Schoen, Lynn Hewitt, and Cherie Fishbaugh, Career Development Center and Dub-C Autism Program at West Chester University
  • 2019: Lisa McGuire, Assistant Director, Corp. Partner Relations, University of Connecticut
  • 2018: Sharon Mickens, Devin Bristol, Anastasia Lopez, Jocelyn Gaydos, Karin Asher, & Megan Zimmerman, Kristen Manchor, University of Pittsburgh
  • 2017: Kimberly Dixon, Stony Brook University
  • 2016: 
    • Nancy Bilmes & Jim Lowe, University of Connecticut
    • Anna Young, Leslie Stevenson, Tina Cade & Ted Lewis, University of Richmond
  • 2015: Stephanie Angellotto, Kory Collins, Amy Todd, Karen Fox, Kurt Styers, Eunice Cardenas & Rebecca Taylor, Vanguard
  • 2004: & Raytheon
  • 2002: Leslie Williams, University of Virginia
  • 2001: Dan Ryan, University of Buffalo
  • 2000: Vicki Lynn, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1998: Patricia Smith, Millersville University

Innovation in Technology

  • 2022: Jessamyn Perlus, Ph.D and Team, Cornell University

Innovation in Crisis Leadership (2021 only)

  • Small School: Amy Feifer, Haverford College
  • Large School: Graduate Support Task Force, University of Pittsburgh



  EACE Service Awards

These awards are designed to recognize outstanding member service and involvement with our Association.

Tribute Award

Recognizes members who have consistently contributed to EACE through service and participation on committees, presentations, and conferences. The recipients of this award have had at least 6 years of involvement within the organization.

  • 2023: Amy Feifer, Haverford College; Donna Cassell Ratcliffe, Virginia Tech
  • 2022: Shannon Conklin, The College of New Jersey
  • 2021: Dr. Alicia Monroe, Rowan University
  • 2020: Scott Rappaport, Associate Director of Career Development, Saint Joseph's University
  • 2019: Jennifer Barr, Associate Director & Pre-Law Advisor, Haverford College
  • 2018: Dr. Sam Ratcliffe, Director, Career Services, Military Institute
  • 2017: Robbin Beauchamp, Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • 2015: 2011: Claire Benton, Cornell University
    • Gerald Tang, Baruch College
    • Stacy McClelland, Enterprise Holdings
  • 2009:2008: Walter Tarver III, StocktonUniversity
    • Kimberly Joy Dixon, Stony Brook University - SUNY
    • Rachel Yudell, Temple University
  • 2007: Matthew Brink, St. Joseph's University
  • 2006:
    • Karen Polyniak, Stevens Institute of Technology
    • Lori DelGuidice, Rutgers University

Outstanding Member 

Recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions through their involvement in EACE with a membership of at least 3 years or greater.

  • 2023: Tracey Hanton, University of Purdue Fort Wayne; Whitney Kerr Lincoln, University of Pennsylvania
  • 2022: Phil Wilkerson III, George Mason University
  • 2021: Cheresa Fewell, St. John's University
  • 2020: Gerald Tang, Associate Director, Operations and Marketing, Starr Career Development Center at Baruch College
  • 2019:
    • Dorothy Hayden, Industry Advisor for Engineering Careers for University Career Services, George Mason University
    • Laurent Troland, Assitant Director, Bridgewater State University  
  • 2018: Kate Juhl, Program Director, College of Arts & Humanities, University of Maryland College Park
  • 2017: Christine Cervelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • 2016: Jennifer Barr, Haverford College
  • 2015: Tracey Cantabene, Stevenson University
  • 2014: Tammy Samuels, Duke University
  • 2013: Ayanna Wilcher, KPMG
  • 2012:
    • Ray Ruiz, KPMG
    • Sharitta Gross, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • 2011:
    • Jennifer Broyles, Rutgers University
    •  Amy McPherson, Virginia Tech
  • 2009:
    • Christy Hanson, Messiah College
    •  Sharon M. Powers, Bryn Mawr/Haverford College
  • 2008: Helen Brown, Vector Marketing
  • 2007:
    • Lori DelGuidice, Honeywell International
    • Terri Moore, Time Warner Cable
  • 2006: Angella Griffin, George Washington University
  • 2005: Camille Franklin, American University
  • 2004: Monica Ko
  • 2003:
    • Adrienne C. Alberts, Johns Hopkins University
    • Fayth N. Litke, Enterprise Rent-A-Car
  • 2002: Michael Sciola, Wesleyan University

Outstanding New Member/Rising Star 

Recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions through their involvement in EACE within the first 3 years of membership.

  • 2023: Ana Lobaton, George Mason University
  • 2022: Narali Taglialavore, Suffolk University
  • 2021: Kayla Lauricella, Fordham University
  • 2020: Marisol Rosado-Perez, Career Counselor and Academic Coach, Widener University
  • 2019:
    • Tracey Hanton, CPRW, Career Connections Specialist, Community College of Philadelphia
    • Mia Wittels, M.S.Ed, Assistant Director, Industry Advising, Villanova University 
  • 2018: Steve Savitsky, Career Advisor, Center for Career Development, Curry College
  • 2017: Stefano Verdesoto, Hofstra University
  • 2016: Scott Mannion, Babson College
  • 2015: Katie Vagen, Bridgewater State University
  • 2014: 
    • Christine Falcone, St. Joseph's University
    • Sara Jaques, Stevenson University
  • 2011: Gerald Tang, Columbia University
  • 2009:
    • Jennifer Rossi, Saint Joseph's University
    •  Stacey H. Brown, University of Maryland, College Park
  • 2008: Jennifer Wickersham, Villanova University
  • 2007: Effie Parpos, Babson College
  • 2006: Scott Rappaport, Widener University
  • 2005: Nathan Elton, Villanova University
  • 2004: Trisha Crowe, University of Pittsburgh
  • 2003: Kara Heisey, Duke University
  • 2002:
    • Terri Moore, University of Virginia 
    • Laura Watts, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • 2001:
    • Craig Single,
    • Michelle Watson, Lehigh University
  • 2000:
    • Adrienne C. Alberts, University of Virginia
    • Peter Pristic, EDS
  • 1998: Grace Figueredo, CVS Pharmacy

Presidential Citations

The President presents these citations to members who have provided outstanding service to EACE during the past year.  (Past 2 years.)


Shannon Conklin

Kate Darcy Hohenthal

Amy Drakesmith

Ashley Forsythe

Jennifer Friary

Jenn Grauso

Tibisay Hernandez

Casey Hilferty

Darlene Johnson

Ali Joyce

Alison Maccarone

Jill Milon

Steve Savitsky

Terri Smith

Philip Wilkerson

Patrick Young

Barbara Zito


Mary Alice Barrows

Maureen Brown

Leigh-Anne Cobb

Kristin Eicholz

Cheresa Fewell

Jermaine Harris

Ali Joyce

Kate Juhl

Kayla Lauricella

Jen Rossi Long

Chris Miciek

Jenny Nesenjuk

Mallory Powell

Joe Santacroce

Narali Taglialavore

Laurent Troland


Outstanding Service Award (discontinued): 2013: Jill Milion, Consultant; 2011: Cailin Pachter, Muhlenberg College; 2010: Walter Tarver, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey

Distinguished Service Award (discontinued): 2013: Marianne Tramelli, Teachers College Columbia University; 2012: Helen Brown, Vector Marketing; 2010: Tom Tarantelli, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute