About EACE

Mission Statement

To foster relationships empowering colleges and employers to develop the future workforce.

Vision Statement

Colleges and Employers working together to create equitable workforce outcomes.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

EACE promotes a culture of diversity and inclusion where all are respected, accepted and safe.

Vision 2024

EACE 2021-2024 Strategic Plan:


The Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers mostly covers the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

SHRM Recertification Provider

SHM sealThe Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.


EACE By the Numbers

EACE's fiscal year is July 1- June 30. Data below represents 2022-2023 fiscal year as of June 1, 2023.

Membership Breakdown

Total Members
College/University Career Center Professionals
States Represented

Social Reach

578 Instagram Followers



2,261 Twitter Followers



728 Facebook Followers

375 EACE Professionals Group Members


3,343 LinkedIn Group Members

1,230 LinkedIn Page Followers

View the 2022-2023 End of Year Infographic


EACE has a long and rich history:

  • 1926:  Eastern College Personnel Officers (ECPO) established
  • 1948: Middle Atlantic Placement Association (MAPA) established
  • 1957: Regional associations formed an advisory board which became College Placement Council (CPC)
  • 1995: ECPO was renamed Eastern College and Employer Network (ECEN) and MAPA was renamed Middle Atlantic Association of Colleges and Employers (MAACE)
  • 1997: MAACE and ECEN merged to form the Eastern Association of Colleges and Employers (EACE)
  • Today, EACE has grown to more than 1,800 members!

Related Associations

National Association

EACE is independent and autonomous from the national association (NACE).

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
Canadian Association of Colleges and University Student Services (CACUSS)

Regional Associations

EACE is one of four Regional Associations of Colleges and Employers (ACEs) which are independent and autonomous from each other. The four Regional ACEs work cooperatively and collaboratively through the Regional ACE Presidents' Council.

View additional state associations.        


You must be logged into the website to view EACE Bylaws. Click here for access to this document.